We are here to revolutionise the birth world for LGBTQ+ people!

The Queer Parenting Partnership was launched in 2020, in response to the shocking lack of birth and parenting support services for LGBTQ+ people in the UK. Kay and Slade connected online and combined their knowledge around midwifery and childcare to create a complete antenatal and postnatal education programme.

We recognise the need for additional services targeted at not only LGBTQ+ families but also at other families perceived to be minorities. That being said, everyone is welcome at The Queer Parenting Partnership.

Our values are of equality, fairness, power, love, community, laughter and fun. We aim to build a community for queer families to learn and grow together and to celebrate our presence in the world.


The Queer Parenting Partnership is a community interest company and we are not funded by any external organisations. If you would like to make a donation towards the work that we do, you can do so here: 

About Slade


I am the co-founder of The Queer Parenting Partnership.

I have worked in the childcare industry for 20+ years and was a finalist in the UK Nanny of The Year Awards 2019. I was also a nominee for the same award in 2020 and 2021 but decided to step down for personal reasons.

In June 2018, I took the plunge to become a doula. My main motivation behind becoming a doula was helping a loved one through severe postnatal depression. Before I’d even finished my first day of training, I knew I wanted to work specifically with queer families and The Queer Doula was born.

Co-creating The Queer Parenting Partnership was the next logical step for me as queer parents and parents from marginalised groups are consistently left out, let down or squeezed in as an afterthought and I decided that if I want to effect change, it has to start with me.

About Kay


I am a qualified midwife with a postgraduate qualification in reproductive biology. I have worked in a range of settings including community, home birthing, on a range of hospital wards and have also taught hypnobirthing and parent education.

During my career I noticed a distinct lack of spaces for LGBTQ+ families. I have observed the impact community networks can have for families and also the role that knowledge has for families in making informed decisions about their perinatal care and the impact of that on satisfaction through pregnancy and birth.

It was these aspects combined that inspired me to co found The Queer Parenting Partnership with Slade, to create a space for LGBTQ+ people to gather knowledge that is culturally appropriate, away from cisheteronormativity, to make informed decisions and network with other families that are similar to them.

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