Our Blog
The Alphabet Mafia. Alphabet Spaghetti. The Alphabet People. The Queers. The Gays. The Homosexuals. That Lot. Who ARE these people and why can’t they make up their minds what to call themselves?
Giving Gifts to New and Expectant Families
Gift giving to expecting families can be a bit daunting. There are many products that exist that do a really good job at convincing us that raising a child is impossible without it! However, the truth of the matter is that there is one time-tested gift that is commonly renowned for making the transition into parenthood easier, and that is support.
A Queer Mourning
Creating a family for us will always have to be intentional. In that there is beauty. Our child will always be deeply craved and wished for. I hope this will manifest into a being that is loved beyond all measure and always knows how wanted they are. However, the practicalities of this are different and painful.
On Pregnancy Loss
The miscarriages are difficult. Truly. But what hurts us the most is when one of us is entirely ignored throughout the entire process and some fabled “husband” is given more care and attention than the non-carrying woman.
E & A’s Adoption Blog
When I met A, conversations about my desire to become a parent were had pretty early on as this was one of the biggest reasons my previous relationship ended and I saw parenthood as a necessity, something that would happen with or without a partner to do it with.
Our Journey to becoming Foster Parents – The Assessment Process
As a trans person I’m not unfamiliar with my body changing. Heck, over the last 5 years I’ve played the hormone hokey cokey, stopping and restarting testosterone with pregnancies in between. My poor body doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going when it comes to hair growth, fat redistribution and muscle mass, let alone all the other changes big and small that come with hormonal changes.
My Journey
As a trans person I’m not unfamiliar with my body changing. Heck, over the last 5 years I’ve played the hormone hokey cokey, stopping and restarting testosterone with pregnancies in between. My poor body doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going when it comes to hair growth, fat redistribution and muscle mass, let alone all the other changes big and small that come with hormonal changes.
Testosterone! To T or not to T?
As a trans person I’m not unfamiliar with my body changing. Heck, over the last 5 years I’ve played the hormone hokey cokey, stopping and restarting testosterone with pregnancies in between. My poor body doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going when it comes to hair growth, fat redistribution and muscle mass, let alone all the other changes big and small that come with hormonal changes.
R’s journey to becoming a seahorse dad
“R you have to accept that you’re pregnant” my friend E (they/them) told me after I’d gotten 4 positive pregnancy tests. I still didn’t believe them, no I couldn’t be, I had been on testosterone for 10 weeks so there is no chance I am pregnant; it must be something to do with the testosterone.
Finding the space to love my Postnatal Body
The covid quarantines left me in a pickle. The dilemma is this – most of my community is online but that’s also where nearly all the transphobia I experience is too.
S & B’s Story (CW: Pregnancy Loss)
This is a series blog about how our journey to creating a family began, how we decided to bring children into our family. Why we choose the path of child birth rather then adoption. As well as transitioning not letting this stop us.
Natal to Not
The covid quarantines left me in a pickle. The dilemma is this – most of my community is online but that’s also where nearly all the transphobia I experience is too.
Online Spaces as a Refuge and a Source of Abuse
The covid quarantines left me in a pickle. The dilemma is this – most of my community is online but that’s also where nearly all the transphobia I experience is too.
Supplemental Nursing Systems
When it comes to feeding your baby, many people seem to think you only have 2 options – breast/chestfeeding or bottle feeding. Whilst your options are human milk or formula milk, there are multiple delivery systems available. One of those options is a Supplemental Nursing System.
Pregnancy, Then and Now
This is my 2nd pregnancy and despite it only being 3 years since my first, it’s proving to be very different. On the surface this isn’t that unusual, I think a lot of people find that their subsequent pregnancies are different. There’s a sense that my body knows how to do this and things that may have once alarmed me are now at least a little familiar…
A Queer’s journey to building a family
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