Pregnancy Advice
At The Queer Parenting Partnership, we are aware that it can be very difficult for some people to find advice about common pregnancy symptoms, due to the extremely gendered language of most pregnancy advice websites. We have outlined some of the more common issues in these pages, with the causes (where known) and tips for coping. If there is a symptom missing here which you would like to see included, please drop us a message using the form below.
This guide does not replace medical advice, if you are concerned about some aspect of your pregnancy then please contact your healthcare provider* to discuss the specific symptoms you are experiencing. YOU are the best judge of what is normal for your pregnancy, if you are concerned about something then please seek medical advice.
*in the UK, this is usually your GP / 111 / A&E up to around 16 or 20 weeks, or the pregnancy triage at your local hospital beyond that gestation. Your midwife should have given you the number for triage, but you can always go through the hospital switchboard if needed.
Please click on the buttons below to download our advice in PDF form. This is best experienced from the desktop version of this website.
Links to other sites:
Please note that links to external websites are likely to include gendered language relating to pregnant people. We have used anatomical terms to describe some symptoms where applicable (e.g. uterus, vagina, cervix).
There is a wealth of information about trans-specific fertility and pregnancy at Trans Fertility Co.
Trans Pregnancy: UK-based international research about transmasculine experiences of reproduction
NHS: UK evidence-based advice on pregnancy symptoms (CN: gendered language)
Pregnant Pause: A guide for lesbians on how to get pregnant, Stonewall