Antenatal Education – June 2024


Session 1 – June 1st, 2pm to 5pm (online)

Session 2 – June 2nd, 2pm to 5pm (online)

Please book one class space to include all family members.

If you are booking your antenatal and postnatal sessions together, please use coupon FAMILYBUNDLE at the checkout to activate your discount.

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The aim of our antenatal sessions are to equip you with unbiased knowledge about pregnancy and birth. All sessions are non-gendered, trauma-informed, non-judgemental and regard the family unit, meaning that non-gestational parents are considered equals.

June 1st: Antenatal Session 1 – 2pm to 5pm (online)

The aim of the first session is to learn about the normal biology of late pregnancy and birth. This is to establish the idea that pregnancy and birth is something that is normal that your body is designed to do to later build on this knowledge to explore what we can do to promote this normal process and have a positive experience.

June 2nd: Antenatal Session 2 – 2pm to 5pm (online)

This session focuses on all of our options and empowerment. We explore different avenues of care in pregnancy and labour care and what care you will be offered during the latter stages of pregnancy and birth.

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Full Price, Low Waged, Unwaged


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